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1. Evaluate the evolution of women’s economic situation and the risks of multifaceted violence (physical, sexual, and psychological) they have faced in different contexts (public spaces, school, professional, and marital spheres), before, during, and after the Covid-19 crisis.


2. Assess the differential impact of the pandemic and the health measures implemented within COSAN, according to gender and women’s social and cultural origin, religion, ethnicity, age, place of residence and professional and family situation. 


3. Analyze the resilience strategies developed within communities and by women's associations especially, to deal with the economic and health consequences of the pandemic and the “cordon sanitaire”.


4. Identify post-pandemic needs (financial/material, psychological, social, informational, etc.) specific to each socio-economic category of women. 


5. Help develop post-pandemic recovery strategies in collaboration with various levels of political intervention in the areas of employment, fight against GBV and promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and more broadly the fight against gender inequalities.


6. Strengthen research and interventions in the field of violence against women and, more broadly, gender inequalities by supporting the next generation of researchers and practitioners, particularly women.

Photo © Stephane Brabant
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